What Peloton and Home Workouts are Missing

Many people struggle to maintain a consistent exercise routine from home. Accountability through community is crucial.
Cody Abbey
September 13, 2023
What Peloton and Home Workouts are Missing

Yesterday, I read an article about Peloton. This article discussed Citron Research's forecast that the stock price of the bike/treadmill company will eventually fall to $5. The justification was that Peloton doesn't actually have a competitive advantage because it sells hardware and software that larger companies already produce for a much lower price.

I don't care if the stock declines because I have no stake in the outcome. In contrast, I've been reflecting a lot on the growing trend of technology + fitness and working out at home, and how they're really just the Bowflex and P90X of today. 

Exercise at home seems so practical. You can work out whenever, wherever, and for however long you want without having to drive anywhere. The issue is that no one commits to it long term. Pelotons frequently appear on Facebook Marketplace, in my experience. Or, even worse, they end up purchasing a very costly hanger for themselves. similar to those who completed P90X for 90 days before asking, "Now what?"

While working out at home can save time, only the most disciplined people can maintain a routine. And to be honest, the majority of us—including myself—lack the discipline necessary to complete tasks independently. What, then, is the trick? accountability through community.

We are social beings. Even those who identify as introverts require social interaction. Simply by studying human history, you can see how important community is. Initially, the goal was merely to survive (some of us would hunt for the tribe while others would look after the kids, etc.). and now it's ingrained in our DNA to interact with people in person.

Look, a lot of you are very intelligent. But if you had gone to the library and read books on your own, you never would have paid for a college education. You traveled to a physical location where professors oversaw the curriculum and gave you corrections as needed. For both the academic push and the social interactions, you had peers nearby. And as a result of both, you advanced much faster.

You have coaches at Maverick who will walk you through our workout program and correct you as necessary. Peers are all around you for both the physical push and the social interactions. You will advance much more quickly as a result of both.

At Maverick, we encourage one another to work out harder, we establish accountability to attend classes (by saying things like, "Hey, see you tomorrow!" or, "I RSVP'd for the 9:30 class—I can't back out now!"), and we decompress when we can laugh and interact with other people.

You experience a connection that can't be made through a screen when you're chatting with people before and after a workout and have people who genuinely care about what's going on in your life.

This is what we take pride in and what Peloton and many other businesses lack.

Ready to join a supportive fitness community that will help hold you accountable?

We’d love to chat: Visit this page to schedule a No Sweat intro: https://api.grow.pushpress.com/widget/bookings/maverick-nsi

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