Do strength training to lower cortisol.

Cody Abbey
August 8, 2024
Do strength training to lower cortisol.

Do strength training to lower cortisol.


When it comes to strength training, most busy professionals, moms, and dads and especially, business owners I work with are worried about raising cortisol.

However, if you program your strength training workouts properly, you can improve your ability to cope with stress.

Strength training is protective.

Because strength training stimulates lean mass and enhances fat burning, it can counteract the negative effects of high cortisol.

By improving overall endocrine function, strength training also pays off in psychological benefits such as improved mood and quality of life.

Understanding cortisol.

When looking at the impact of training on cortisol, there are two-time points to be concerned with. Your acute response, which happens immediately after training, and your chronic baseline levels. Strength training lowers the acute cortisol response.

Training generally leads to an acute improvement in stress levels.

For example, in a study that tested several different training protocols, including strongman exercises, heavy strength training, and combat sports. Cortisol decline in the testosterone-to-cortisol T/C ratio increased. The improvement in the T/C ratio and reduction in cortisol indicates strength training relieves stress. Weight training may be viewed as a timeout for players that could aid in coping with the stress and pressures of training and competition.

Strength training improves chronic cortisol levels.

 A study of elite young tennis players shows that adding a strength training program in addition to regular sports practice improves cortisol over the long term.

The study had tennis players perform six weeks of strength training, bench press, and squats at 60 percent of their 1RM.

Over the first three weeks of the study, cortisol levels and fatigue increased by the end, cortisol levels decreased even during week five when training volume peaked.

By the final testing day, stress and cortisol had recovered to baseline.

Strength levels in this strength training group were actually higher than in the control group, suggesting a positive adaptation to the training program.

 Training recommendations.

Strength training is a tool to help balance cortisol and offset its negative effects.

Volume of training has a much greater impact on cortisol than intensity, which means that heavy lifting is good instead of metabolically stressful high-volume workouts with tons of reps.

Opt for heavier loads, shorter sets, and the longer rest periods.

Workouts should be limited to an hour, including warm-up and cool-down.

Train five to six exercises with two to three big muscle lifts and the rest accessory or single joint movements.

Reps can vary from heavier, 80 percent of max and up.

Sets that use three to eight reps to lighter rep range is 60 to 80 percent for eight to 15 reps.

Rest periods should be two minutes or longer.


Final words.

The key to improving cortisol is to avoid overly stressful workloads.

With a well-designed strength training program, you can offset the wear and tear of a lifetime of stress.

Tip #1: Workout type should emmulate that of a powerlifter. Prioritize big bang for buck exercises like squats, deadlifts, presses, chinups, etc.

Tip #2: No more than 3 stressed workouts per week with one planned recovery day e.g., massage, accupuncture, nature walk, etc.

Tip #3: The workout duration should not exceed 60 minutes, and ideally, is kept to 45 minutes.

Tip #4: Consult with a professional regarding supplemental support i.e. magnesium, adrenal support, thyroid support and adoptogens which play an essential role.

Tip #5: Avoid prolonged cardio. You can replace prolonged cardio with short intense intervals to maintain your stamina.

Tip #6: Prioritize healthy fats and solid protien at avery meal.

Tip #7: Train before 2 pm and ideally before noon.

Sample lower body workout:

A) Trap Bar Deadlift: 4 x 8-10 reps, 4011 tempo, rest 2:30 - 3:00

B1) Front Foot Elevated Dumbell Split Squats: 3 x 12-15 reps, 3011 tempo, rest 1:30

B2) 45 degree back extension: 3 x 12-15 reps, 3011 tempo, rest 1:30

C1) Swiss ball ab-crunch 3x12-15 reps, 3011 tempo, rest :45

C2) Standing single leg Dumbell calf raise 3x12-15 reps, 3011 tempo, rest :45

D) Get the fork out of the gym!

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